2015年11月25日 星期三

地上的鹽:觀看與討論《薩爾加多的凝視》(The Salt of The Earth)

觀看與討論《薩爾加多的凝視》(The Salt of The Earth


Sabastiao Salgado (1944 - ),一位當代寫實記錄的攝影巨人,有他凝視這世界的觀點。真的,我們非常值得一起凝視Salgado那真實、驚人、美麗又哀傷的「凝視」,思想他照片所透顯的深刻「思想」。

歡迎所有關愛這大地與嚴肅思想生命意義的朋友,與我們一起觀看並討論一部述說Salgado攝影生涯的影片:《薩爾加多的凝視》(The Salt of The Earth)。

地點:方濟樓404時間:201512217:10 - 20:00

Photo: http://goodlandproject.com.au/2015/07/salt-of-the-earth-review/

2015年10月12日 星期一

敬虔守護生態:並讀《受造物頌》與《願祢受讚頌》/ 柯志明教授


Piety Protects the Earth
Read Laudato Si through Canticles of the Creatures

Immanuel Chih-Ming Ke, Associate Professor of Philosophy
Department of Ecological Humanities, Providence University
3 Oct. 2015. “A Symposium on Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter Laudato Si,” Providence University

    Pope Francis officially published Laudato Si on 18 June 2015. It calls all people of the world to care for the Earth, “our common home,” through introspection, discussions, and taking actions. In this encyclical letter Pope Francis expects to achieve three goals: First, it assists us to recognize the grave challenges and difficulties in the present environmental crisis and the urgent need for solutions; second, it intends to go the root of the ecological degradation, and it analyzes the deepest cause; third, it provides an enlightening and guiding principles for human development based on the Christian tradition and experience of spirituality.
     Pope Francis takes its title “Laudato Si” from the reiterated eight times praising words “Laudato si, mi signore” in Laudes Creaturarum (or Cantico di frate Sole) by Saint Francis of Assisi. It is obviously evident that Pope Francis intends to continue the ecological spirit of Saint Francis who praises the Creator for the creation. Therefore, it could be said that Laudato Si is the modern interpretation and extension of the profound meaning that Canticles of Creatures implies. Accordingly, I think only through the real understanding of Canticle of Creatures and the Christian faith that it is rooted can one read and understand Laudato Si correctly and adequately, and thus can one grasp the insights and profound meanings of eco-Nature, which can be disclosed only by Christianity.
    It is just like what Laudato Si points out: creation comes about as the result of the God’s free decision and thus all things embody the God’s sublime, profundity, holiness, good will, above all the nature of His love. It is exactly as Pope says, “Creation is of the order of love. God’s love is the fundamental moving force in all created things”; moreover, in terms of the most profound meaning, Pope points out that the whole creation embodies the profound Trinity of God, and even each creature bears in itself “a specially Trinitarian structure.”
    Consequently, this is the universe that can be understood only by person who has “Imago Dei.” What Pope cares about in this encyclical letter is the created world like this, and that is also the created world that Saint Francis of Assisi calls other creatures “bothers and sisters,” but not the no transcendental sense “Nature” called by modern atheists, materialists, and naturalists. Accordingly, humans are the created beings who posses a unique nature and a peculiar ecological status, so that they are responsible for caring the environment of the Earth. Therefore, Pope clearly indicates, “The human environment and the natural environment deteriorate together; we cannot adequately combat environmental degradation unless we attend to causes related to human and social degradation.” Thus, it is as Pope John Paul II states, “The ecological crisis is a moral crisis,” so that what modern people need is an “ecological conversion” that is a religious conversion related to ecological environment.
    So far as that is concerned, humans cannot solve the problems of man-made ecological crisis unless they have a right faith. This is why the last chapter of encyclical letter mentions ecological education and spiritual conversion. Obviously, Pope expects that people could cultivate “pietas” toward God, just like the life of Saint Francis of Assisi manifested; people cannot care for all creatures as Saint Francis does unless they have the same piety. Therefore, I think although Pope does not explicitly indicate, his encyclical letter tells us this implicitly: Only Christianity can clearly and completely penetrates and reveals the fundamental degradation of humans and the world. In consequence, only Christianity can penetrate into the roots of the ecological crisis and reveal the solutions; besides, only the person who is like Saint Francis of Assisi, who completely believe in and submits to our Lord Jesus Christ and who is humble and pious, can regardless and selflessly protect “our common home” —the Earth.


2015年9月24日 星期四

生態人文:一個意義的分析與闡述/ 柯志明教授


20150922 講於靜宜大學生態人文學系

Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and reverence, the more often and more steadily one reflects on them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.
Immanuel Kant

      「生態人文(學)」(ecological humanities)對多數人是陌生的,不解其意,或者望文生義而對之懷有一種些微浪漫但卻曖昧不明的感覺。在某個意義上,這是無可厚非的,因為「生態人文」是一個新的學術觀念,它意圖架接生態科學與諸多人文學科(或文化)之間的縫裂,其實也就是意圖以生態學為橋樑連結自然科學與人文學之間長期的分裂。可以這麼說,生態人文這個概念背負著一種期待與想像,即打破在任何意義上的科學與人文之間的分離,而意圖建構一個融合自然科學與諸人文(humanities,含學科與文化)的整全世界觀。

2015年4月10日 星期五

基督徒的生態職責/ 柯志明教授



*The Care of Creation: Focusing Concern and Action 中文版 《關顧受造世界:基督教對環境的關懷與行動》(新北市:聖經資源中心,2015)序

        自十九世紀以來,基督信仰在生態思想史上幾乎一直無法擺脫被污名化與抹黑的命運,而且愈來愈強烈,最後在叛逆的1960年代達到高峰。1967年美國中世紀史學家Lynn White Jr.定調:基督信仰是今日生態危機的歷史根源(其實這論調早在1890年代就被Edward Payson Evans大力倡說過了)。此後,基督信仰反生態且造成生態危機已然成了今日生態學界的基調,以致想護衛生態環境的人似乎都有反基督教傾向。1977年美國堪薩斯大學(University of Kansas)著名的環境史教授Donald Worster出版了他的名著《自然的經濟:生態觀念史》(Nature's Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas, 1977),此書就是以貶抑基督信仰而高揚當代生態意識之基調寫成的,閱讀本書除了可得十八世紀以來生態思想發展的一些相關知識外,更對基督信仰「本質上」反生態與輕視自然留下深刻印象。因此,Lynn White的那篇小文章影響可謂不小,讓所有反基督信仰者甚或反西方文明者找到了今日生態災難的所謂「元凶」,並且為其罪行作了一個堂而皇之的「學術定讞」。